Leading With Empathy & Allyship Show

How To Use Empathy To Create Change In The Workplace
With Kate Johnson

23 Mar: What Happened When Mark Zuckerberg Spoke at HBCU North Carolina A&T About Diversity

By Jared Karol Watching Mark Zuckerberg speak to a room full of Black students at the historically Black college North Carolina A&T last week, I couldn’t help but feel that something awkward was bound to happen. He made it through the first 15 minutes relatively unscathed — covering topics such as the importance of community, fake news, and the future of Facebook. But then at the 16:40 mark, a PhD student in the audience asked him…


11 Feb: Announcing a Powerful New Partnership in Tech: Tech Inclusion & Google For Entrepreneurs

In mid-2014, Wayne Sutton and I had an idea to bring people together in the tech industry to really help move diversity and inclusion forward. After nearly a year of building relationships, mapping the tech ecosystem, and working on curriculum that could help move the needle – we hosted our first conference and career fair. It was more popular – and more effective – than we could have dreamed! The two-day two-track conference and career…

On stage at H3

24 Jan: How to Combat Impostor Syndrome

Originally posted on Medium – follow Melinda on Medium here. Written two hours before my keynote at the H3 Conference in Puerto Rico on November 20, 2015: Impostor Syndrome is real. Here I am, having worked on social entrepreneurship and changing the world my whole life. And yet when I prepare to speak about it I still worry that people will see through me, that I’m not an expert, that it should be someone else…