Tech Inclusion Solution: Day 36: Onboarding Junior Engineers To Create Thriving Dev Teams
100 Solutions to Diversity and Inclusion in tech.
Since the inaugural Tech Inclusion Conference in 2015 we have received and granted over 100+ scholarship applications to attendees. For each scholarship application we ask one simple question “What solutions would you like to see for diversity and inclusion in tech?” Below is a series leading up to the 2016 Tech Inclusion Conference of “100+ Solutions to Diversity and Inclusion in tech”. The Theme for Tech Inclusion 2016 Conference is Inclusive and Sustainable Innovation and will be held October 26th — 27th at the Innovation Hangar in San Francisco. Tech Inclusion Conference is presented by Google for Entrepreneurs. The conference will feature a career fair, a startup showcase and an tech innovation demo hall. Early Bird tickets are on sale now.
Solution: Onboarding Junior Engineers To Create Thriving Dev Teams
– Mid to large sized companies who have the resources (both money and senior engineers) who can support onboarding junior engineers actually opening up junior developer positions. In my experience once teams ramped up an intern or junior dev everybody thrived and we didn’t really need a “senior” for that spot.
— Externships or software developer apprenticeships where you fill in the gaps from bootcamp (strong git, github workflow, command line, deployment) sort of bootcamp “grad school” combined with real world experience
Diversity and Inclusion In Tech Solution Submitted by Paige
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Interested in a scholarship?
Apply for a scholarship on our community site: http://community.techinclusion.co/
About Change Catalyst:
Change Catalyst empowers diverse, inclusive and sustainable tech innovation — through education, community engagement and mentorship. Change Catalyst is a Certified B Corp, winning the “Best for the World” award for community impact in 2014 and “Best in the World” overall in 2015.
Tech Inclusion:
Our Tech Inclusion programs explore and develop innovative solutions to tech diversity and inclusion. We partner with the tech community to solve diversity and inclusion together through conferences, career fairs, strategic consulting and training. Our work spans the full tech ecosystem, including: Education, Workplace, Entrepreneurship and Policy.

The Change Catalyst Team
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